Virtual Town Hall — Middle Class Survival Strategies

Join us October 17th for a live interactive webinar on how the middle class can survive and thrive during this time of social and economic uncertainty. The event will attempt to unpack the key challenges, economy, housing and family, that citizens face, yet aren’t being addressed by our leaders. This event will bring you deeper insight around the issues, as well as an opportunity to connect with the speakers and other audience members, so that you can start bringing about change and greater opportunity in your community right away.

Hosted by Tom Piechota, Ph.D. PE, Vice President of Research, Chapman University


Michael Lind, Author of The New Class War, Professor at the University of Texas
Karla Lopez Del Rio, Community development professional and advocate for working families; Principal at Connexions Consulting
Pete Saunders, Author and researcher whose work focuses on urbanism and public policy


Joel Kotkin, Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures, R. Hobbs Professorship in Urban Studies, School of Communication, Chapman University

Marshall Toplansky, MBA, Clinical Assistant Professor of Management Science at Chapman University’s Argyros School of Business and Economics, and Research Fellow at the C. Larry Hoag Center for Real Estate, Chapman University

When: October 17, 10:00am – 11:30am (PST)

Learn more, and register for this event at

Virtual Town Hall: Middle Class Survival Strategies