Entries by Joel Kotkin

The Governor’s Gambit

Will the governor’s gambit succeed? Today, Newsom’s “California model” of government — a blend of income redistribution and a green agenda are seeing many of the rewards of innovation go elsewhere.

Tory Autocracy

Over the past century, and even before, conservative political movements thrived by challenging the Left’s appeal to the working and middle class. Virtually all the successful movements on the democratic Right won by establishing a link between conservative policies and upward mobility.

Fred Siegel’s Legacy

Fred Siegel’s passing this weekend represented a huge loss not just for me personally but, more importantly, for all those concerned with the future of the United States, and particularly its cities. Fred was fearless, willing to take on conventional wisdom but always tethered to history in a way that is increasingly rare.

Savior of the City of Angels

Former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan, who died last week, was a savior of the City of Angels at a time when the city desperately needed a turnaround: he helped to reduce crime, slow economic decline, and push a series of improvements.

The Inhumanity of the Green Agenda

The green agenda has fostered a narrative in which human needs and aspirations have taken a back seat to the green austerity of Net Zero and ‘degrowth’.