Entries by Joel Kotkin

Blue State Exodus

Appearing in: Forbes.com For the past decade a large coterie of pundits, prognosticators and their media camp followers have insisted that growth in America would be concentrated in places hip […]

GOP Needs Economic Populism

Appearing in: Politico.com You would think, given the massive dissatisfaction with an economy that guarantees mega-bonuses for the rich and continued high unemployment, that the GOP would smell an opportunity. […]

Stimulate Yourself!

Appearing in: Forbes.com Beltway politicians and economists can argue themselves silly about the impact of the Obama administration’s stimulus program, but outside the beltway the discussion is largely over. On […]

Our Euro President

Appearing in: Forbes.com Barack Obama’s seemingly inexplicable winning of the Nobel Peace Prize says less about him than about the current mentality of Europe’s leadership class. Lacking any strong, compelling […]