Kamala Harris in Los Angeles at a Town Hall

Candidate of Big Tech

Few Democratic presidential candidates are better positioned than California’s Senator Kamala Harris; she’s also the favored candidate of big tech.

The Opium of California

To be truly a sustainable society, California needs opportunities for carpenters, machinists, middle managers, not just for the current structure that relies on superstar coders and produces large numbers of low-paid service workers.

A New Good Neighbor Policy

Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump’s proposal to build a “beautiful wall,” it is unlikely to resolve the crisis sending ever more people—largely from Central America—to America’s borders.

California’s Self-Created Future Energy Crisis

In much of the country a powerful energy boom is providing a serious stimulus to economic growth. But in California, where fossil fuels are considered about toxic as tobacco, we are lurching toward an anticipated energy shortage…

Sanders Introduces $15 Minimum Wage

Understanding the Appeal of Democratic Socialism Key to Defeating It

In their race to save an unpopular president and their lack of a positive agenda, many Republicans and conservatives increasingly identify the rise of “democratic socialism” as their ultimate, if you will, Trump card. Given the fact that most Americans, particularly older ones, still favor capitalism and are less than enthusiastic about expanding federal power, this approach might work.

Chinese Sci-Fi Writers Give Us A Glimpse Into China’s Dystopian Present And Future

In contemporary China, it’s hard to know what people outside the party dictatorship think about the future. As in the former Soviet Union, often the best guide may be not in the controlled media or cowed academia, but in the speculative wanderings of writers.

Home under construction

California’s Message: You Built That, Now Get Out!

The people who build our homes increasingly can no longer afford them. Even California’s most skilled, unionized construction workers, notes an upcoming study, cannot afford to live anywhere close to the state’s major job centers.

Donald Trump in Greenville, SC during February 2016

The Imperial Presidency

President Trump’s attempted end-run to fund his “beautiful” wall has been widely, and properly, denounced as a naked power grab by both the left and even some on the right. Yet Trump’s ham-handed and likely dangerous action also sadly reinforces a long-standing trend that seems to be leading us, inexorably, toward an ever-more imperial presidency.

Church pews in Old Brick Church, Mooresville AL - by Marjorie Kaufman

Why Social Justice is Killing Synagogues and Churches

If you go into a Reform or Conservative temple, it’s likely that you will notice two things: The congregation is becoming smaller and older. Across the United States and Europe, synagogues are aging at a rapid rate, a phenomenon increasingly common for mainstream religions across the high-income world.

Millennials are moving to Houston for jobs

Where Millennials Really Go For Jobs

Contrary to media hype, tech firms and young workers aren’t flocking to “superstar” cities. In fact, as a new Brookings study shows, millennials are not moving en masse to metros with dense big cities, but away from them.