Autonomous car

Autonomous Cars Are Our Real Future

As one member of the California Transportation Commission notes, the state’s planners largely ignore the role of technologies — including home-based work, ride hailing and autonomous vehicles — that offer the best hope for resolving our transportation woes.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

America Keeps Winning Regardless of Who is President

Ever since the election of Donald Trump, many of our leading academic voices predicted everything from a stock market crash to a global recession. Yet now the United States stands as by far the most dynamic high-income economy in the world…

California Must Stop Trying to Stomp Out Suburbia

We may be celebrating — if that’s the right word — the tenth year since the onset of the financial crisis and collapse of the real estate market. Yet before breaking out the champagne, we should recognize that the hangover is not yet over…

Ten years After Lehman Collapsed, We’re Still Screwed

by Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — The collapse of Lehman Brothers 10 years ago today began the financial crisis that crippled and even killed for some the American dream as we had known it…

Moving truck on Nevada Highway

A Generation Plans An Exodus From California

by Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — California is the great role model for America, particularly if you read the Eastern press. Yet few boosters have yet to confront the fact that the state is continuing to hemorrhage people at a higher rate…

Mark Zuckerberg F8 2018 Keynote

America is Moving Toward an Oligarchical Socialism

Where do we go after Trump? This question becomes more pertinent as the soap opera administration seeks its own dramatic demise. Yet before they can seize power from the president and his now subservient party, the Democrats need to agree on what will replace Trumpism.

California Takes the Prize for Environmental Virtue Signaling — But Not Much Else

If there’s an award for environmental virtue signaling, California would win the prize. Yet for all the constant self-promotion, shameless grandstanding and endless moralizing, perhaps it’s time to reconsider the impact, and failures, of our current green obsessions.

Lincoln Community Center

Restoring Localism

Americans are increasingly prisoners of ideology, and our society is paying the price. We are divided along partisan lines to an extent that some are calling it a “soft civil war.” In the end, this benefits only ideological warriors and their funders.

Trump speaking at #FITN First In Nation Republican Leadership Summit, Nashua, New Hampshire

The Triumph of Trumpism Will Outlast Trump

Donald Trump’s presidency may prove, to quote Thomas Hobbes, to be “nasty, brutish and short.” But even if Trump ends up out of office sooner than planned, we will continue to live in a world shaped by him for years to come.

Suburbs of Houston, Texas

The Battle for Houston

Houston has embraced a light regulatory approach to housing that reflects market forces more than ideology. But last year’s Hurricane Harvey floods severely tested the Houston model.